May 04, 2017

Photography by Graham Walzer /


What’s on your desk?

Note cards, Sharpies, sparkling water with turmeric, ginger and lemon, a tape measure and pantone book.

Fill in the blank: "I don't show up at a meeting without _________."

Iris: Trash Tee samples

Carolina: My green notebook

What's on your reading list?

Iris: Ordinary Lives in North Korea

Carolina: Invincible Living: The Power of Yoga, The Energy of Breath, and Other Tools for a Radiant Life

What’s in your bag/always on your person?

Lip balm

I'd write to... / I would love to get a letter from...

Barack / Michelle

I'm a true believer in... / Major skeptic about...

Karma / Religion

Subject I won’t shut up about lately... / Subject I avoid...

Immigration policy / Fashion

Constantly craving... / Don't see the appeal of...

Shibucho Sushi / Pink's Hot Dogs!

Describe your personal aesthetic in three words:

Colorful, upbeat, spontaneous

Describe the creative space at your company:

Our space has lots of light, plants, colors and chairs. We do everything in our space from.

What are your design inspirations?

The city vernacular, Takenobu Igarashi, 1979-1989

How does one tap into their creative side?

A puff of a joint and a great art book can be a good start!

What’s the motto/life philosophy/advice you live by?

Everything is a work in progress.

What is a quote that inspires you:

Mistakes, misunderstandings, and mis-comprehensions provide fresh ideas.

How does your brand convey its unique personality?

Through color, documentation and our very own handmade typeface.

Describe a typical day at work:

The loop! It starts early morning at our HQ in MacArthur Park with strong coffee with homemade almond milk and honey, then to our dye house in South LA, our screen printer and t-shirt factory on 59th St. in South LA, then down to a few suppliers in Vernon, then to our distribution warehouse in Boyle Heights to check on shipments, back through downtown to our main woven factory then finally back up to HQ!

What do you love about what your company brings to its clients?

Products that feel good, look good and are made ethically produced and eco-friendly!

What brought you to Paper Chase Press?

We prefer to work with likeminded businesses and think that Paper Chase is the best at what they do! Plus, it's all great people with nice ideas.

How often do you use printed goods to promote your business?

We're very conscious of printing things that are going to be disposed of, but we are always looking for less wasteful options using sustainable or recycled materials.

The paper product I can’t live without is ____ and I use it to _____.

Note cards, sincerely thank people

What is your favorite aspect of your job?

Getting to know different kinds of people.

What career moves and/or aspirations brought you to your current role?

Getting fired!

make your own

Here at Paper Chase Press, we pride ourselves on top quality print production and premium material choices.

Business Cards

50 business cards for $20



50 notecards for $65