The materials used in our shop have always felt as compelling as the projects they create. With that in mind, we teamed up with Adi Goodrich of multi-disciplinary creative studio Sing-Sing, and designer Arthur Jones to create a year’s worth of amusing imagery to shower the tools of our trade wit the love they so richly deserve.

Adi Goodrich
What’s on your desk?
A scanner, an iMac, a stack of envelopes to mail out to friends, a sketchbook, a ruler, a screwdriver, A Dieter Rams book, headphones, a mug from japan with cats on it.
Fill in the blank: "I don't show up at a meeting without _________."
a sketchbook
What's on your reading list?
The Bauhaus Group: Six Masters of Modernism, Apartamento, Leap Before You Look: Black Mountain Co

What’s in your bag/always on your person?
A sketchbook, a mechanical pencil, lipstick.
I'd always _________ / I'd never _________.
I'd always wanted to build my own house / I'd never get a credit card.
I'd write to _________ / I would love to get a letter from _________.
I'd write to Obama / I'd love to get a letter from Obama.
Would try once_________ / No, thanks _________.
Eating bugs / Tightrope walking.

I'd pay good money for _________ / Wouldn't take even if free _________.
paint / junky tools
I'm a true believer in _________ / Major skeptic about _________.
hard work / social media fame
Fear conquered _________ / Not quite there yet _________.
becoming a photographer / becoming a photographer

My proudest accomplishment is _________ / The next goal on the horizon is _________.
running my own studio / adding interior design to my studio
Favorite books_________ / Can't wait to read _________.
Bauhaus / The next Apartment
Subject I won’t shut up about lately _________ / Subject I avoid _________.
The original paint colors of the parthenon and Richard Neutra's paint colors / pop culture

Constantly craving _________ / Don't see the appeal of _________.
Tollhouse break and bake chocolate chip cookies / beer
_________ always inspires / _________ totally sucks.
Art History / Cell phones
I'm early for _________ / I'm late for _________.
doing taxes / dates.
_________is worth the wait / I have no patience for _________.
having children / egos

Skills mastered _________ / I can't quite get the hang of _________.
Being a boss / my thick hair
I'm picky about _________ / Not so picky about _________.
quality of dishtowels / movies
I'm getting better at _________ / I'm getting worse at _________.
driving / paying parking meters
I'll never give up _________ / Ehh, I'm kind of over _________.
dancing / belly shirts

Describe your personal aesthetic in three words:
Graphic, hand rendered, color
Describe the creative space at your company:
It's intentional, designed, clean and inspiring.
What are your design inspirations?
Dead people from the 40's - 70’s
How does one tap into their creative side?
Going to museums or reading books

What’s the motto/life philosophy/advice you live by?
Work hard.
The paper product I can’t live without is _________ and I use it to _________.
A moleskin sketchbook, take all notes, right down ideas, quickly sketch things for people to understand visually.
Share an insight on your life or life in general that you’ve discovered:
Surround yourself with people you love, admire and care about deeply. Always take time to learn, listen and to teach.
When do you feel like you’re at your best?
When I'm working through an idea that needs to be solved.
What is a quote that inspires you:
"Don't forget, one day we'll all be dead."
How does your brand convey its unique personality?
We keep the hand in every project.
Branding is _________.
Because of my experience doing _________, I tend to pay more attention than most people do to _________.
Set Design / details of spaces and interiors.
Describe a typical day at work:
Follow up on emails, drink hot water, have a few conference calls, shop for props, photograph, draw/paint, go for a walk around chinatown, listen to good music, get stoked.
What is the best professional lesson you’ve ever learned?
Stand up for yourself.
What are the most exciting developments in your industry?
The interest in people going back to analog
What do you love about what your company brings to its clients?
Energy, Ideas, jokes and beautiful images.
How do you start and/or end your day?
Hiking/ Reading
The vice you’ll never give up is _________.
Italian food
What is the best advice you’ve received recently?
Be chill
Tell us about your latest printed project:
Sing-Sing was the latest feature contributor to a political newspaper made by Tan & Loose Press called The Smudge.
What was the inspiration behind this project?
Clay and Liana asked us to do a feature on our feelings after the election. We talk about removing yourself from social media and getting back into a non-distracted practice of art making.
What brought you to Paper Chase Press?
Sean and I (Sing-Sing) self published an Alphabet book and had some of the pages printed as posters for our release. We LOVED their printing.
How often do you use printed goods to promote your business?
We love the printed page and try to get it into every personal project we do. Holding something in your hand and putting it away for history to remember is so important, especially these days.
What's the response like to these printed goods?
Obviously, everyone loves holding something in their hands.
How does this project fit into your design philosophy? Your branding? Your overall objectives?
This project is really about having something everyday to remind you to make. We filled the calendar with important dates from art history and world events that changed us creatively. I reached out to all of my friends and collaborators to have their take on what days are important to them. Having a tactile calendar is a bit old fashioned by now, but seeing these memorable dates everyday will hopefully remind people to stay the course in whatever they believe in. The images were made after having a conversation with Nicole about growing up in our dad's shops. I could see her respect and love for the workshop/studio. I have that same feeling for wood-shops, growing up in my own father's shop. I chose to use the raw materials and tools of Paper Chase as an homage to the people working with their hands. This is important in my own studio practice and the reason I take on most commissions or dive into personal work.
What is your favorite aspect of your job?
Problem solving.
What career moves and/or aspirations brought you to your current role?
Leaving a full time job in window design and starting my own practice and studio.
Format: 11x34 inches
Style: Month-at-a-glance