
Paper Chase Press hardcover books set the industry standard for high quality book making. Our team of skilled artisans have been making heirloom-quality printed matter since 1976. Perfect for a portfolio, album, brand showcase or self-published title, our hardcover books employ only traditional binding and finishing methods, assuring that each project is unique and withstands the test of time.

Enduring Craft

We're proud to have provided high quality, low environmental impact printed matter since 1976. Every book meets our meticulous standards of artistry and quality.

All printing companies are not created equally. When the production quality of your books is a priority, you need to work with a team that can deliver. Paper Chase brings over 40 years of expertise and experience to every book we make.

Quality Controlled

All printing companies are not created equally. When the production quality of your books is a priority, you need to work with a team that can deliver. Paper Chase brings over 40 years of expertise and experience to every book we make.

Linen covers require custom stamping to have artwork on the cover. Choose from a range of foil colors, or opt for a more subtle blind deboss.

Custom Foil Stamping

Linen covers require custom stamping to have artwork on the cover. Choose from a range of foil colors, or opt for a more subtle blind deboss.

Our Mothership Hemlock

In 2022, Paper Chase Press was acquired by Hemlock, another second-generation, family-owned company with over 50 years of excellence in print. Hemlock is considered North America's leading sustainable printer and operates out of 100% carbon-neutral, FSC Certified® facilities in Los Angeles and Vancouver, B.C., with offices in Seattle and San Francisco.

Our image wrap hardcovers feature a 7mm scuff-free matte lamination for added protection, and a premium linen spine. Choose from black, charcoal gray, royal blue, or natural white linen spines.

Image Wrap Covers

Our image wrap hardcovers feature a 7mm scuff-free matte lamination for added protection, and a premium linen spine. Choose from black, charcoal gray, royal blue, or natural white linen spines.

Paper Chase Press uses only premium American-made linen for all of its handmade hardcovers. Choose from black, charcoal gray, royal blue, or natural white.

Handmade Linen Covers

Paper Chase Press uses only premium American-made linen for all of its handmade hardcovers. Choose from black, charcoal gray, royal blue, or natural white.

All Paper Chase Press hardcover books feature premium linen paper endsheets, which provide both durability and an elegant finish. Choose from black, gray, or white.


All Paper Chase Press hardcover books feature premium linen paper endsheets, which provide both durability and an elegant finish. Choose from black, gray, or white.

There's no better way to present your work than in a custom made hardcover book.

Perfect Finishes

There's no better way to present your work than in a custom made hardcover book.

Add an elegant and practical extra with a light gray bookmark ribbon.

Bookmark Ribbon

Add an elegant and practical extra with a light gray bookmark ribbon.

Looking do something more unique to your cover? We offer a full range of customizations including tip-ins and more. Send us a <a href="/pages/custom-quote">quote request</a>.

Tip in Photos

Looking do something more unique to your cover? We offer a full range of customizations including tip-ins and more. Send us a quote request.

Don't see what you want? From different sizes, to specialty finishes and materials, we make all sorts of custom printed goods. Send us a <a href="/pages/custom-quote">quote request</a>.

Custom Projects

Don't see what you want? From different sizes, to specialty finishes and materials, we make all sorts of custom printed goods. Send us a quote request.

Create your own custom hardcover book design directly in our Design Online tool. Simple drag and drop, image upload and character editing means anyone can create sophisticated books. No need to download any software. Check out our <a href="/pages/design-online">helpful tutorials</a>.

Design Your Books Online

Create your own custom hardcover book design directly in our Design Online tool. Simple drag and drop, image upload and character editing means anyone can create sophisticated books. No need to download any software. Check out our helpful tutorials.

If your project needs a little extra love, we've got you covered. Paper Chase Press offers its clients access to creative services group Intelligence LA, a community of vetted creatives including graphic designers passionate about bringing projects to life. Opt to <a href="/pages/book-designer">hire a designer</a> today and we'll connect with print industry pros ready to help you create your hardcover book.

Hire A Designer

If your project needs a little extra love, we've got you covered. Paper Chase Press offers its clients access to creative services group Intelligence LA, a community of vetted creatives including graphic designers passionate about bringing projects to life. Opt to hire a designer today and we'll connect with print industry pros ready to help you create your hardcover book.

Optional Finishes

$0 per unit
$0 Total

Production Details