From the Desk Of: Ania Diakoff
Feb 18, 2016
There's no denying our love for Ania Diakoff. Our Art Director since 2014, Ania is responsible for the look and feel of all things Paper Chase Press. We teamed up with her to create a line of paper goods for the recent LA Art Book Fair, and thought it would be the perfect occasion to sit down with our favorite designer to learn more about what inspires her aesthetic and her work ethic.

What’s on your desk?
a laptop and some crystals
Fill in the blank: "I don't show up at a meeting without _________."
a smile!
What's on your reading list?
Black Sun by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke
I'd write to... / I would love to get a letter from...
my future self
I'm a true believer in... / Major skeptic about...
human kindness/the need for suffering
My proudest accomplishment is... / The next goal on the horizon is...

Describe your personal aesthetic in three words:
Edgy, playful, poetic.
What are your design inspirations?
Scraps of fabric, fragments of sentences, bits of packaging, ripped out pages of color charts.
How does one tap into their creative side?
By listening to oneself.
What is your favorite aspect of the job you do?
Learning from others.
The paper product I can’t live without is ____ and I use it to _____.
a good notebook / write down my millions of lists
What career moves and/or aspirations brought you to your current role?
All I have ever wanted is to make beautiful things for myself and others to enjoy.
Share an insight on your life or life in general that you’ve discovered:
The reason for something happening now will most likely be revealed later.

When do you feel like you’re at your best?
When I am selfless and willing.
What is a quote that inspires you:
"I understand that the most important encounter in life is the encounter with oneself." - Yves Saint Laurent
How does your brand convey its unique personality?
Through humor and surprise.
Branding is __________.
an endless infinity.
Because of my experience doing __________, I tend to pay more attention than most people do to __________.
psychic tarot readings, what actually matters

What is the best professional lesson you’ve ever learned?
Try not to say negative things about people you have worked with.
What are the most exciting developments in your industry?
What do you love about what your company brings to its clients?
The vice you’ll never give up is __________.
What is the best advice you’ve received recently?
Make your idea even if it is just a basic crappy prototype.
Tell us about your latest printed project:
My totally amazing Paper Cuts collab with Paper Chase Press!
What was the inspiration behind this project?
"Wrong Design"
What brought you to Paper Chase Press?
A book I designed for the brilliant artist Tyler Mathew Oyer a few years back.
How often do you use printed goods to promote your business?
Whenever I meet someone new - I love a super-sturdy business card.
What's the response like to these printed goods?
I always get compliments - my cards were printed at Paper Chase Press and are triple-ply!
How does this project fit into your design philosophy? Your branding? Your overall objectives?
I like to stand out and offer an element of surprise in the too-often mundane and repetitive.

make your own

Business Cards
50 business cards for $20

Flat Cards
10 cards for $20