From The Desk Of: Carol LeFlufy
Jun 22, 2017
What’s on your desk?
Notebook, files, amethyst crystal, pencils, pens, slide viewer, Muji desk fan, headset, kleenex, lip balm, face mist
Fill in the blank: "I don't show up at a meeting without _________."
My black & red Chinese notebook from Pearl River Mart in NYC and a pen
What's on your reading list?
Eve Babitz / Slow Days Fast Company, Tony Robbins / Unshakeable, Brendan Gill / Many Masks: The Life of Frank Lloyd Wright
I'd pay good money for... / Wouldn't take even if free...
Porsche / Prius

Constantly craving... / Don't see the appeal of...
Coffee / Kombucha
Skills mastered... / I can't quite get the hang of...
Walking on fire / Zip lining
Describe your personal aesthetic in three words:
Modern, eclectic and fun
What are your design inspirations?
Architecture, nature, movies

What’s the motto/life philosophy/advice you live by?
Life happens for me not to me
The paper product I can’t live without is ____ and I use it to _____.
post-it notes / organize my thoughts and make lists.
When do you feel like you’re at your best?
Hiking and or walking

What is a quote that inspires you:
"I have learned, that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours." ~Henry David Thoreau
How do you start and/or end your day?
Coffee / Sleepytime Tea
The vice you’ll never give up is __________.
Oatmeal Raisin cookies
What is your favorite aspect of your job?
Representing amazing creative artists and partnering them with wonderful clients.
What career moves and/or aspirations brought you to your current role?
Being a commercial photographer early in my career made me a better photographer's agent. The best career move I ever made was moving to NYC.

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