3 Things You Need To Know About Personal Branding

Aug 27, 2015

In today's social age, creating a consistent personal brand is synonymous with success. Whether you take yourself seriously, or not (we don't judge!), your brand should reflect your passion and let the world know who you are. If your best friends can't tell your content from the competition, you should take it very personally. ​These simple tips will get you started on standing out.​

1. Find Your Voice - This includes what you say, how you say it, and how it looks. Understand the personality of your brand - are you playful? Conversational copy and colored edges are perfect. Are you more formal and polished? A tasteful embossing of your logo and refined, minimal font is ideal.

2. Keep It Consistent - Once you've discovered your voice, make sure the same one resonates across the board - this includes print and digital. Your followers will come to look for you and only you if you guarantee you'll always be there.

3. Invest In Quality - The entire concept of branding is that you create a representation of yourself. Don't cheat yourself here. Let the world know that you've invested in your passion and are providing them with the best.

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