From The Desk Of: Eric Ogden
Sep 15, 2016
Paper Chase has a long history printing for commercial photographers, Eric Ogden is no exception. From business cards and promos to softcover books, we've helped him create beautiful products to promote his business. We sat down with Eric to learn more about his creative process.

What’s on your desk?
Lots of hard drives
Fill in the blank: "I don't show up at a meeting without _________."
A rested brain. I hope
What's on your reading list?
The Lean Startup, Search Inside Yourself, CivilWarLand in Bad Decline
What’s in your bag/always on your person?
I always carry a sketchbook in my bag / a favorite pen (very particular about these)
Constantly craving... / Don't see the appeal of...
Coffee, also avocados / not having what you want
I'm early for... / I'm late for...
Dinner / drinks
Skills mastered... / I can't quite get the hang of...
Meditation / meditation
Describe your personal aesthetic in three words:
If we're talking clothes...Simple. Casual. A uniform
Describe the creative space at your company:
Clean, and yet, still messy
What are your design inspirations?
Vaughn Oliver / v23 really influenced me when I was in art school, and the influence hasn't let up yet

How does one tap into their creative side?
I think boredom is the creative person's best tool
What’s the motto/life philosophy/advice you live by?
Be kind. But stand up for yourself
Share an insight on your life or life in general that you’ve discovered:
Be honest in business and personal affairs. Have gratitude
What is a quote that inspires you:
The moment that an artist takes notice of what other people want, and tries to supply the demand, he ceases to be an artist, and becomes a dull or an amusing craftsman, an honest or dishonest tradesman. -Oscar Wilde
What are the most exciting developments in your industry?
The tools we have to create and the platforms to share creative work, often very inexpensively. The blurring of photography and filmmaking

How do you start and/or end your day?
Mediation, coffee, writing. in that order
What is the best advice you’ve received recently?
Make mistakes
Tell us about your latest printed project:
Soon to be printed--Tabloid Posters I'm very excited about, graphic and cinematic
What brought you to Paper Chase Press?
A friend recommended Paper Chase when I was looking to do some creative printing for my biz
The paper product I can’t live without is ____ and I use it to _____.
A sketchbook. It organizes my days, my thoughts, my ideas, and often, my life
What career moves and/or aspirations brought you to your current role?
Moving from Flint, Michigan to NYC was the first big change. Obsessively looking at photography and movies made it impossible for me to do anything else
When do you feel like you’re at your best?
When I'm being completely selfless. Which should happen a lot more often than it does

make your own

Business Cards
50 business cards for $20

Postcard Notepads
10 notepads for $20 each